Maze generator
using unicode line drawing characters
This script will generate mazes in plain unicode text, which can then be pasted on irc for example:
Why? Beats me, but it's still fun.
Potential problems (most can be fixed by trying a few other monospaced fonts)
- If the maze is garbage characters, your browser might render the utf-8 as another charset.
- If the maze is just a matrix of squares, your font doesn't have unicode line drawing chars.
- If the maze looks ok, but is full of little boxes, the font is missing the characters that draw a line from one direction and stops at the center.
- If the right edge isn't straight, your monospaced font isn't monospaced.
- If a maze looks like garbage if you paste it to people on IRC, whoever is looking at it is not using utf-8 and therefore should no longer be your friends
- If the maze is made of ascii characters like pipes, asterisks, L and T, your browser is doing something funny (links/lynx/msie5 especially). Switch.