Why Bash Is Like That: Rewrite hacks

Bash can seem pretty random and weird at times, but most of what people see as quirks have very logical (if not very good) explanations behind them. This series of posts looks at some of them.

Let’s say you wanted to enforce a policy in which no files on the system could contain swearing. How would you write a script that checks it? Let’s use the word “damn”, and let’s write a script “checklanguage” that checks whether a file contains that word.

Our first version might be:

#!/usr/bin/env bash
grep -q "damn" "$@" 

The problem with this is that it triggers on itself: ./checklanguage checklanguage returns true. How can we write the script in such a way that it reliably detects the word, but doesn’t detect itself? (Think about it for a second).

There are many ways of doing this: a="da"; b="mn"; grep "$a$b", grep "da""mn", grep da\mn. All of these check for the four characters d-a-m-n in sequence, but doesn’t contain the sequence itself. These methods rely on two things being A. identical in one context (shell script) and B. different in another (plaintext).

This type of trick is the basis of three common command line hacks:

Finding processes from ps, while excluding the grep that does the filtering.

If we do a simple ps ax | grep processname, we might get output like this:

$ ps ax | grep processname
13003 pts/2    S      0:00 /bin/bash ./processname
13496 pts/4    R+     0:00 grep --color=auto processname

How do we get the same list, but without the grep process? You’ll see people wrapping the first character in square brackets:

$ ps ax | grep "[p]rocessname"
13003 pts/2    S      0:00 /bin/bash ./processname

In this case, the regex “[p]rocessname” is identical to the regex “processname”, but since they’re written differently, the latter matches itself while the former doesn’t. This means that the grep won’t match itself, and we only get the process we’re interested in (this job is better done by pgrep).

There is no syntax rule that says “if the first character is enclosed in square brackets, grep shall ignore itself in ps output”.

It’s just a logical side effect of rewriting the regex to work the same but not match itself. We could have used grep -E 'process()name' or grep -E 'proces{2}name' instead.

Running commands instead of aliases

Maybe you’re sick of Debian’s weird perl rename, and you aliased it to rename.ul instead.

$ rename -v .htm .html *
`foo.htm' -> `foo.html'

Yay, that’s way easier than writing regex! But what if we need to use the unaliased rename?

$ rename -v 's/([1-9])x([0-9]*)/S$1E$2/' *
rename.ul: not enough arguments

Instead, you’ll see people prefixing the command with a backslash:

$ \rename -v 's/([1-9])x([0-9]*)/S0$1E$2/' *
Foo_1x20.mkv renamed as Foo_S01E20.mkv

Shell aliases trigger when a command starts with a word. However, if the command starts with something that expands into a word, alias expansion does not apply. This allows us to use e.g. \ls or \git to run the command instead of the alias.

There is no syntax rule that says that “if a command is preceded by a backslash, alias expansion is ignored”.

It’s just a logical side effect of rewriting the command to work the same, but not start with a literal token that the shell will recognize as an alias. We could also have used l\s or 'ls'.

Deleting files starting with a dash

How would you go about deleting a file that starts with a dash?

$ rm -v -file
rm: invalid option -- 'l'

Instead, you’ll see people prefixing the filename with ./:

$ rm -v ./-file
removed `./-file'

A command will interpret anything that starts with a dash as a flag. However, to the file system, -file and ./-file mean exactly the same thing.

There is no syntax rule that says that “if an argument starts with ./, it shall be interpretted as a filename and not an option”.

It’s just a logical side effect of rewriting a filename to refer to the same file, but start with a different character. We could have used rm /home/me/-file or rm ../me/-file instead.

Homework: What do you tell someone who thinks that ./myscript is a perfect example of how weird UNIX is? Why would anyone design a system where the run command is “./” instead of “run”?

Basics of a Bash action game

If you want to write an action game in bash, you need the ability to check for user input without actually waiting for it. While bash doesn’t let you poll the keyboard in a great way, it does let you wait for input for a miniscule amount of time with read -t 0.0001.

Here’s a snippet that demonstrates this by bouncing some text back and forth, and letting the user control position and color. It also sets (and unsets) the necessary terminal settings for this to look good:

#!/usr/bin/env bash

# Reset terminal on exit
trap 'tput cnorm; tput sgr0; clear' EXIT

# invisible cursor, no echo
tput civis
stty -echo

text="j/k to move, space to color"
max_x=$(($(tput cols) - ${#text}))
dir=1 x=1 y=$(($(tput lines)/2))

while sleep 0.05 # GNU specific!
    # move and change direction when hitting walls
    (( x == 0 || x == max_x )) && \
        ((dir *= -1))
    (( x += dir ))

    # read all the characters that have been buffered up
    while IFS= read -rs -t 0.0001 -n 1 key
        [[ $key == j ]] && (( y++ ))
        [[ $key == k ]] && (( y-- ))
        [[ $key == " " ]] && color=$((color%7+1))

    # batch up all terminal output for smoother action
        tput cup "$y" "$x"
        tput setaf "$color"
        printf "%s" "$text"

    # dump to screen
    printf "%s" "$framebuffer"

Making bash run DOS/Windows CRLF EOL scripts

If you for any reason use a Windows editor to write scripts, it can be annoying to remember to convert them and bash fails in mysterious ways when you don’t. Let’s just get rid of that problem once and for all:

cat > $'/bin/bash\r' << "EOF"
#!/usr/bin/env bash
exec bash <(tr -d '\r' < "$script") "$@"

This allows you to execute scripts with DOS/Windows \r\n line endings with ./yourscript (but it will fail if the script specifies parameters on the shebang, or if you run it with bash yourscript). It works because from a UNIX point of view, DOS/Windows files specify the interpretter as "bash^M", and we override that to clean the script and run bash on the result.

Of course, you can also replace the helpful exec bash part with echo "Run dos2unix on your file!" >&2 if you'd rather give your users a helpful reminder rather than compatibility or a crazy error.

Approaches to data recovery

There are a lot of howtos and tutorials for using data recovery tools in Linux, but far less on how to choose a recovery tool or approach in the first place. Here’s an overview with suggestions for which route to go or tool to use:

Cause Outlook Tools
Forgotten login password Fantastic Any livecd
This barely qualifies as data recovery, but is included for completeness. If you forget the login password, you can just boot a livecd and mount the drive to access the files. You can also chroot into it and reset the password. Google “linux forgot password”.
Accidentally deleting files in use Excellent lsof, cp
When accidentally deleting a file that is still in use by some process — like an active log file or the source of a video you’re encoding — make sure the process doesn’t exit (sigstop if necessary) and copy the file from the /proc file handle. Google “lsof recover deleted files”
Accidentally deleting other files Fair for harddisks, bad for SSDs testdisk, ext3grep, extundelete
When deleting a file that’s not currently being held open, stop as much disk activity as you can to prevent the data from being overwritten. If you’re using an SSD, the data was probably irrevocably cleared within seconds, so bad luck there. Proceed with an fs specific undeletion tool: Testdisk can undelete NTFS, VFAT and ext2, extundelete/ext3grep can help with ext3 and ext4. Google “YourFS undeletion”. If you can’t find an undeletion tool for your file systems, or if it fails, try PhotoRec.
Trashing the MBR or deleting partitions Excellent gpart (note: not gparted), testdisk
If you delete a partition with fdisk or recover the MBR from a backup while forgetting that it also contains a partition table, gpart or testdisk will usually easily recover them. If you overwrite any more than the first couple of kilobytes though, it’s a different ballgame. Just don’t confuse gpart (guess partitions) with gparted (gtk/graphical partition editor). Google “recover partition table”.
Reformatting a file system Depends on fs e2fsck, photorec, testdisk
If you format the wrong partition, recovery depends on the old and new file system. Try finding unformat/recovery tools for your old fs. Accidentally formatting a ext3 fs to ntfs (like Windows helpfully suggests when it detects a Linux fs) can often be almost completely reverted by running fsck with an alternate superblock. Google “ext3 alternate superblock recovery” or somesuch.

Reformatting ext2/3/4 with ext2/3/4 will tend to overwrite the superblocks, making this harder. Consider PhotoRec.

Repartition and reinstall Depends on progress
If you ran a distro installer and accidentally repartitioned and reformatted a disk, try treating it as a case of deleted partitions plus reformatted partitions as described above. Chances of recovery are smaller the more files the installer copied to the partitions. If all else fails, PhotoRec.
Bad sectors and drive errors Ok, depending on extent ddrescue
If the drive has errors, use ddrescue to get as much of the data as possible onto another drive, then treat it as a corrupted file system. Try the fs’ fsck tool, or if the drive is highly corrupted, PhotoRec.
Lost encryption key Very bad bash, cryptsetup
I don’t know of any tools made for attempting to crack a LUKS password, though you can generate permutations and script a simple cracker if you have limited number of permutations (“it was Swordfish with some l33t, and a few numbers at the end”). If you have no idea, or if your encryption software uses TPM (rare for Linux), you’re screwed.
Reformatted or partially overwritten LUKS partition Horrible
LUKS uses your passphrase to encrypt a master key, and stores this info at the start of the partition. If this gets overwritten, you’re screwed even if you know the passphrase.
Other kinds of corruptions or unknown FS Indeterminable PhotoRec, strings, grep
PhotoRec searches by file signature, and can therefore recover files from a boatload of FS and scenarios, though you’ll often lose filenames and hierarchies. If you have important ASCII data, strings can dump ASCII text regardless of FS, and you can grep that as a last resort.

If you have other suggestions for scenarios, tools or approaches, leave a commment. Otherwise, I’ll wish you a speedy recovery!

Why Bash is like that: Subshells

Bash can seem pretty random and weird at times, but most of what people see as quirks have very logical (if not very good) explanations behind them. This series of posts looks at some of them.

# I run this script, but afterwards my PATH and current dir hasn't changed!

export PATH=$PATH:/opt/local/bin
cd /opt/games/

or more interestingly

# Why does this always say 0? 
cat file | while read line; do (( n++ )); done
echo $n

In the first case, you can add a echo "Path is now $PATH", and see the expected path. In the latter case, you can put a echo $n in the loop, and it will count up as you’d expect, but at the end you’ll still be left with 0.

To make things even more interesting, here are the effects of running these two examples (or equivalents) in different shells:

set in script set in pipeline
Bash No effect No effect
Ksh/Zsh No effect Works
cmd.exe Works No effect

What we’re experiencing are subshells, and different shells have different policies on what runs in subshells.

Environment variables, as well as the current directory, is only inherited parent-to-child. Changes to a child’s environment are not reflect in the parent. Any time a shell forks, changes done in the forked process are confined to that process and its children.

In Unix, all normal shells will fork to execute other shell scripts, so setting PATH or cd’ing in a script will never have an effect after the command is done (instead, use "source file" aka ". file" to read and execute the commands without forking).

However, shells can differ in when subshells are invoked. In Bash, all elements in a pipeline will run in a subshell. In Ksh and Zsh, all except the last will run in a subshell. POSIX leaves it undefined.

This means that echo "2 + 3" | bc | read sum will work in Ksh and Zsh, but fail to set the variable sum in Bash.

To work around this in Bash, you can usually use redirection and process substition instead:

read sum < <(echo "2 + 3" | bc)

So, where do we find subshells? Here are a list of commands that in some way fails to set foo=bar for subsequent commands (note that all the examples set it in some subshell, and can use it until the subshell ends):

# Executing other programs or scripts
foo=bar ./something

# Anywhere in a pipeline in Bash
true | foo=bar | true

# In any command that executes new shells
awk '{ system("foo=bar") }'h
find . -exec bash -c 'foo=bar' \;

# In backgrounded commands and coprocs:
foo=bar &
coproc foo=bar

# In command expansion
true "$(foo=bar)"

# In process substitution
true < <(foo=bar)

# In commands explicitly subshelled with ()
( foo=bar )

and probably some more that I'm forgetting.

Trying to set a variable, option or working dir in any of these contexts will result in the changes not being visible for following commands.

Knowing this, we can use it to our advantage:

# cd to each dir and run make
for dir in */; do ( cd "$dir" && make ); done

# Compare to the more fragile
for dir in */; do cd "$dir"; make; cd ..; done

# mess with important variables
fields=(a b c); ( IFS=':'; echo ${fields[*]})

# Compare to the cumbersome
fields=(a b c); oldIFS=$IFS; IFS=':'; echo ${fields[*]}; IFS=$oldIFS; 

# Limit scope of options
( set -e; foo; bar; baz; ) 

MP3 to Video using GStreamer visualizations

VLC showing a sparkly shiny visualization
Everyone loves music visualization, but not all apps support it in a sensible way. Maybe you want to shuffle a random assortment of video and audio files in a player that doesn’t handle that well (VLC!), or not at all (mplayer!). Or maybe you want to upload something to youtube, with gorgeous HD visualizations instead of that lame static cover art image?

The few google results on the topic that weren’t spam suggested screencapping software. Yeah, that’s great… until you have more than two files.

Once again, everyone’s favourite multimedia swiss army knife – GStreamer – steps up to the plate.

Here’s an example of encoding an MP3 to an H.264 .mkv file using the gorgeous goom visualizer (requires the mp3 and x264 plugins for gstreamer):

gst-launch filesrc location=input.mp3 ! queue ! tee name=stream ! queue ! mp3parse ! matroskamux name=mux ! filesink location="output.mkv" stream. ! queue ! mp3parse ! mad ! audioconvert ! queue ! goom ! ffmpegcolorspace ! video/x-raw-yuv,width=1280,height=720 ! x264enc ! mux.

It’s beautiful – and the video is pretty sweet as well.

It’s worth noting that this approach does not re-encode the MP3, like some less awesome approaches would do (causing loss of quality). It simply muxes it together with the visualizer’s video stream. x264 even seems to distribute itself well across cores.

No, wait, what? MP3 and H.264? Of course, I meant Vorbis and Theora! Let me rephrase:

gst-launch filesrc location=input.ogg ! queue ! tee name=stream ! queue ! oggdemux ! vorbisparse ! oggmux name=mux ! filesink location="output.ogg" stream. ! queue ! oggdemux ! vorbisdec ! audioconvert ! queue ! goom ! ffmpegcolorspace ! video/x-raw-yuv,width=1920,height=1080 ! theoraenc ! mux.

The same goodness applies, except for the parallelism. If you have a multicore CPU, there’s massive speedup to be had through simple shell script based multithreading. (Why full HD this time? VLC on Windows crashes on 720p Theora!)

And there you have it. A simple, hack-free, modular and flexible way of encoding visualization videos for MP3 and Ogg Vorbis files. Thanks, GStreamer!