What do you do when you have something to put online, but it's not important enough to be a category of its own? Why, you label it junk, of course!
I've sorted my junk into three groups, based on usefulness.
(If junk is not your thing, try the main index).
Things that could be useful:
- A copy of the paper An Empirical Investigation into Programming Language Syntax by Stefik and Siebert
- List of files and file permissions on a freshly installed Ubuntu Server (16.10) system.
- TIS-100 Reference Manual for the Zachtronics game, which is currently too hard to find and print at the office.
- How to change country in Play Store. Only if you've actually moved, though.
- Reserved inodes on ext2/3/4. A list of reserved inodes and their functions.
- How Rank2Types can contain values in contexts. A Haskell example on how the ST monad works.
- 70-541 MSTS WSS 3.0 quiz. SharePoint application development quiz, with one of those flimsy javascript interfaces everybody hates.
- Mandelbrot generator, for multithreaded generation of high resolution (i.e. 40000x30000 pixels) fractal posters.
- Its:learning is terrible, a warning to anyone considering deploying this product.
- Tiny 3D Python games, entries for a 1KiB source competition
- A RapidShare downloading script for Linux/Unix (requires Bash and Curl). Downloads all rapidshare files from a given web page.
- A silly, simple Tetris AI (applet)
- A shell script that lists the sources of embedded objects in konqueror using dcop javascript evaluation
- UTF8Magic, a very simple and efficient java class to see if a latin1 String is actually UTF-8, and if so, convert it. It's a single line fix!
- Ravo W54-AP firmware, since Ravo doesn't appear to exist anymore.
- icmpproxy, a simple linux app for tunneling traffic through icmp echo messages (read: attempt to leech on airport/hotel wlans)
- RealMedia corruption fixer
- Win95 VMWare boot disk, for installing Windows 95 in vmware using a non-bootable cd. Plain gzipped image, not instructions or .exe installer like everything else.
- VNC DES encryption. DES in VNC is deliberatly broken, but this isn't mentioned anywhere (but here).
- Notes on water resistance for watches.
Less useful but still amusing:
Things you couldn't find a use for if you were MacGyver:
(not to be taken too seriously)
Other less interesting things:
- An .rptproj problem google wasn't helpful about
- spcxmms-0.2.1 patch, for using ID666 tags for playtime info (plus Gentoo's Makefile fixes).
- One cow gives 273 kilos of meat, but that is (was) impossible to tell by googling.
- Vidance, a VNC midlet written long ago when there were no other free ones
- My late dog, Dølle.
- My late guinea pig, Nikita.
- A008Chat, a crappy IRC midlet I wrote before Virca